Excerpt addressing the topic of identity by geraldmclean (The Photograph, Vanguard to Identity)
“…the table below is intended to simplify and demonstrate understanding of a framework leading to personal identity.”
- National Identity: – country of birth.
- Ethnic Identity: – tribal identifier determined by bloodline.
- Cultural Identity: National culture – morality, laws, and conventions.
- Ethnic culture – practiced conscripts directly pertaining to the tribal group.
- Social Identity: Social group – group identifiers and behaviour.
- Social values – cultural, ethnic, and national values.
- Moral Identity: Moral values – social group (peers), ethnic (Family), national values and laws, social, cultural, ethnic, and national values
- Individual Identity: – idiosyncrasies of all of the above, unique.
Therefore, given the complexities of the individual, can a person be described in terms of merely a colour?